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Difference between revisions of "Talk:Main Page"

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Latest revision as of 00:36, 4 April 2016


  • Due to wiki code (or my inability) I couldn't get images to float left/right in the table w/o it looking really ugly. So, if someone can get say the Colorama example to float right and look good, please do.
  • Let me know if you like the updates to the main page. I like it because it utilizes more of the screen real estate. Thus, no scrolling (for me). If you can clean it up, and make it prettier, feel free. Tree 17:08, 9 December 2007 (CST)
  • So, I found out, finally, why it's been hard to find things. Category pages aren't scanned for keywords for searching. So, we'll need to move our category pages' text to new pages and make the links. For example, searching for "mencoder" didn't work before today. Since I moved [[:Category:Software_Movies]] to Making_Movies we can now search for the keywords in that page.
  • Well, one idiot/spammer made it through the new system. If there's an influx of the idiots, we may go back to the old registration method, as that seemed pretty secure.
  • Feature Request: Support for 3D DLP and plasma HDTVs. These require a different stereo output format (checkerboard.) Feel free to contact me for details. --Martyholloway 17:46, 30 May 2008 (CDT)

Some Thoughts For Discussion

  • Folks, please check out the section MediaWiki Image Galleries for cleaning up the code for inserting more than one image. This fixes the problem of having to insert tons of blank lines to cleanly offset the following text. So, if you have some time, please head back to old pages and help clean this up.
  • We need to accurately document settings for PyMol. This would greatly improve the value of the site. We should also provide images and examples.
  • For people (like me) who don't know the first thing about Wiki's, more "newbies click here to learn" links would help ease the transition...

Where is the anti-spam mechanism/strategy?

Manual removing spam contents really sucks.

Edit by AdShea One good strategy is to search all namespaces for 'http' (without the quotes). This will show links containing that string, which should catch any spam links.

Needed Editing

Needed edits are the following:

  1. We need more thorough "See Also" sections on each page. Mesh shows what each page should look like. People need to be able to find their content easily.
    1. After some playing with this, I think we should create categories for each SET of settings. Like, "surface_settings" and then just put all the surface settings in there. Then, we can simply link out to this page and it'll change dynamically with the settings.
  2. We need to continue linking categories to their respective pages.
  3. More images should be uploaded for the settings changes so people can see what the settings do as well as read how to control them.


The default method for searching, eg hitting ENTER, should be the "Search" command not the "Go" command.

  • The search function is abysmal. If I type in "shadow" I get nothing. If I go to google and type in " shadow" I get both of the pages for ray-trace shadows which is what I wanted ("Ray Shadow" and "Ray Shadows"). I assume that there are two entries because of the poor search function. Just do what Wikipedia does and offer a google search of the site if the search function comes up empty-handed (Wikipedia does search the text of it's articles correctly but the google offer includes all languages). MortenGroftehauge (talk) 14:53, 24 March 2016 (UTC)

New Format

Code for the new page

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PyMOL Space— new command to control PyMOL's usage of color spaces.
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The DPL extension (version 2.3.0) produced a SQL statement which lead to a Database error.
The reason may be an internal error of DPL or an error which you made,
especially when using DPL options like titleregexp.
Query text is:
SELECT DISTINCT `page`.page_namespace AS page_namespace,`page`.page_title AS page_title,`page`.page_id AS page_id, `page`.page_title AS sortkey, `page`.page_counter AS page_counter FROM `page` INNER JOIN `categorylinks` AS cl0 ON `page`.page_id=cl0.cl_from AND (cl0.cl_to='Commands') WHERE 1=1 AND `page`.page_namespace IN (0) AND `page`.page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY page_title ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0

Error message is:
Unknown column 'page.page_counter' in 'field list' (