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The mview command can store and delete movie keyframes.

Keyframes store a view (camera or object position) and optionally the object state and/or a scene. Between keyframes, PyMOL will interpolate views and states, allowing for smooth animations.

Before using mview, the movie timeline has to be set up with mset.


mview [ action [, first [, last [, power [, bias
    [, simple [, linear [, object [, wrap [, hand
    [, window [, cycles [, scene [, cut [, quiet
    [, auto [, state [, freeze ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


  • action = str: one of store, clear, reset, purge, interpolate, uninterpolate, reinterpolate, toggle, toggle_interp, smooth {default: store}
  • first = int: frame number or 0 for current frame {default: 0}
  • power = float: slow down animation at keyframe (0.0) or not (1.0) {default: 0.0}
  • object = str: name of object for object keyframes, or empty for global (camera) keyframes {default: }
  • scene = str: name of scene to store scene with key frame {default: }
  • state = int: if > 0, then store object state {default: 0}


Ligand zoom

fetch 1rx1, async=0
as cartoon
as sticks, organic
mset 1x70
mview store, 1
mview store, 70
orient organic
mview store, 30
mview store, 40

360° rotation

fragment ala
mset 1x90
mview store, 1
mview store, 90
turn y, 120
mview store, 30, power=1.0
turn y, 120
mview store, 60, power=1.0

360° rotation of a single object

set movie_auto_store, 0
fragment ala
fragment his
translate [10, 0, 0], his
mset 1x90
mview store, 1, object=his
mview store, 90, object=his
rotate y, 120, object=his
mview store, 30, power=1.0, object=his
rotate y, 120, object=his
mview store, 60, power=1.0, object=his

Object-level state-sweep

as cartoon
mset 1x80
mview store, 1, object=m, state=1
mview store, 30, object=m, state=30
mview store, 50, object=m, state=30
mview store, 80, object=m, state=1

Ligand binding

set movie_auto_store, 0
fetch 1rx1, async=0
extract ligand, organic
as cartoon, 1rx1
as sticks, ligand
set_view (\
  0.527486444, -0.761115909, -0.377440333,\
  0.736519873, 0.631122172, -0.243357301,\
  0.423434794, -0.149625391, 0.893482506,\
  0.000059791, -0.000049331, -140.287048340,\
  34.670463562, 51.407436371, 17.568315506,\
  111.284034729, 169.290832520, -19.999998093 )
mset 1x60
mview store, 60, object=ligand
translate [10, 0, 0], object=ligand
mview store, 1, object=ligand

Scene based movie

fragment ala
as sticks
color blue
scene bluesticks, store
as spheres
color red
turn y, 180
scene redspheres, store
mset 1x60
mview store, 1, scene=bluesticks
mview store, 30, scene=redspheres

See Also