This is a read-only mirror of
Color Objects
Revision as of 12:56, 2 February 2010 by Cowsandmilk (talk | contribs)
# Colour by object
def color_obj(rainbow=0):
Gareth Stockwell
This function colours each object currently in the PyMOL heirarchy
with a different colour. Colours used are either the 22 named
colours used by PyMOL (in which case the 23rd object, if it exists,
gets the same colour as the first), or are the colours of the rainbow
# Process arguments
rainbow = int(rainbow)
# Get names of all PyMOL objects
obj_list = cmd.get_names('models')
if rainbow:
print "\nColouring objects as rainbow\n"
nobj = len(obj_list)
# Create colours starting at blue(240) to red(0), using intervals
# of 240/(nobj-1)
for j in range(nobj):
hsv = (240-j*240/(nobj-1), 1, 1)
# Convert to RGB
rgb = hsv_to_rgb(hsv)
# Define the new colour
cmd.set_color("col" + str(j), rgb)
print obj_list[j], rgb
# Colour the object
cmd.color("col" + str(j), obj_list[j])
print "\nColouring objects using PyMOL defined colours\n"
# List of available colours
colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'violet', 'cyan', \
'salmon', 'lime', 'pink', 'slate', 'magenta', 'orange', 'marine', \
'olive', 'purple', 'teal', 'forest', 'firebrick', 'chocolate', \
'wheat', 'white', 'grey' ]
ncolours = len(colours)
# Loop over objects
i = 0
for obj in obj_list:
print " ", obj, colours[i]
cmd.color(colours[i], obj)
i = i+1
if(i == ncolours):
i = 0
# HSV to RGB routine taken from Robert L. Campbell's script
# See
# Original algorithm from:
def hsv_to_rgb(hsv):
h = float(hsv[0])
s = float(hsv[1])
v = float(hsv[2])
if( s == 0 ) :
#achromatic (grey)
r = g = b = v
# sector 0 to 5
h = h/60.
i = int(h)
f = h - i # factorial part of h
#print h,i,f
p = v * ( 1 - s )
q = v * ( 1 - s * f )
t = v * ( 1 - s * ( 1 - f ) )
if i == 0:
(r,g,b) = (v,t,p)
elif i == 1:
(r,g,b) = (q,v,p)
elif i == 2:
(r,g,b) = (p,v,t)
elif i == 3:
(r,g,b) = (p,q,v)
elif i == 4:
(r,g,b) = (t,p,v)
elif i == 5:
(r,g,b) = (v,p,q)
(r,g,b) = (v,v,v)
print "error, i not equal 1-5"
return [r,g,b]
# Add color_obj to the PyMOL command list