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Welcome to the PyMOL Wiki
You have reached the home of the PyMolWiki, a user-driven web-oriented CMS.
We provide
- updates on PyMol
- a stable user-oriented documentation base
- a thorough treatment of the PyMol program
- feature-rich scripts for general PyMol use
New Users
Welcome! New users who wish to contribute appropriate content are welcome to join. Feel free to add any appropriate content; make an account and get started!
The PyMolWiki has now had over 1,000,000 page views! The community accesses the resources on the wiki at rate of over 1,000 hits a day and is steadily growing. See the Statistics.
- Pymol 1.0 is out!
- PyMol Official Documentation is also available for subscribers.
- ProMOL plugin added. Catalytic site prediction, other tools. Redirects to website.
- EMovie plugin added. Easy movies in PyMol using a GUI.
- DYNMAP plugin page created. Check it out!
- CE Align v0.8-RBS released. Better than before. See test case comparisons.
- Slerpy, a set of pymol command extensions to simplify complex movie making is now available.
- Updated the Kabsch code with a more elegant solution; fixed a small rotation bug.
News Archive
- See our older news.