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The community-run support site for the PyMOL molecular viewer.
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News & Updates
Official Release PyMOL v2.3 has been released on February 11, 2019.
POSF New PyMOL fellows announced for 2018-2019
Tutorial Plugins Tutorial updated for PyQt5
New Plugin ProBiS H2O is a new plugin for identification of conserved waters in protein structures.
Selection keywords New polymer.protein and polymer.nucleic selection keywords. Thanks everyone who participated in the poll!
Plugin Update MOLE 2.5 is an updated version of channel analysis software in PyMOL
New Script dssr_block is a wrapper for DSSR (3dna) and creates block-shaped nucleic acid cartoons
Older News See Older News.
Did you know...

Consistent View/ Map Inspect


This is a toolkit for rapidly inspecting multiple maps and models. The right & left arrow keys navigate sequentially through the amino acid chain, but alternating between two structures (could be NCS-related chains or models solved in different space groups). Each view is rendered in a consistent orientation (the default is centered on alpha carbon, with nitrogen right, carbonyl left & beta carbon up). The view can be customized. It is necessary to edit the script to define the behavior for the problem at hand.


Three components are needed:

  • A Python module,, giving matrix algebra & Kabsch-style structure alignment (source code given below). This module must be in the current working directory, and PyMol started from the command line, e.g., on MacOSX:
  • Atomic coordinates must be loaded first, and if appropriate, maps and isomesh levels. An example .pml file is shown here, consisting of two structural models ..→
A Random PyMOL-generated Cover. See Covers.