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| Orange
! Orange !! Apple
| Apple
| Bread
| Bread | Pie
| Pie
| Butter
| Butter

Revision as of 11:32, 17 June 2017

Type Python Script
Author(s) Troels Schwarz-Linnet
License BSD
This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo


Chu et al. has compiled a large information of peptides which are methylated in Sulfolobus Islandicus. The mass-spec data is available at: in

  • Supplemental Table S2a revisied (.xlsx, 6.5 MB) - Supplemental Table S2a revisied : mcp.M115.057778-3.xlsx
  • Supplemental Table S2a revisied (.xlsx, 4.8 MB) - Supplemental Table S2a revisied : mcp.M115.057778-4.xlsx

The authors has tried to find correlation with amino acids in 1D, with 7 residues up and downstream to the lysines. The authors also tried to first predict secondary structure in the chain, and then find correlation. They made a weblogo figure with their findings. There seems to be a preference for helical structure and Glutamic acid (E), Isoleucin (I), Leucin (L) and Valine (V) seems to be dominant with 7 residues up/downstream to the methylated lysines.

This script should try to make an analysis this for 3D, with residues up and downstream in angstrom distance to the residue of interest.

PDB structures in Sulfolobus Islandicus

Following structures was found June 2017

  • -> Search advanced
  • Biology -> Source organism -> Sulfolobus organism
4G2D || test
PDB id Info Text Authors Released Method Residue Count Macromolecule: Gene Name(s) UniProtKB AC NCBI - Accession Numbers
Orange Apple
Butter Ice cream




For Mass-Spec data
aKMT Catalyzes Extensive Protein Lysine Methylation in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus but is Dispensable for the Growth of the Organism'
Chu, Yindi; Zhu, Yanping; Chen, Yuling; Li, Wei; Zhang, Zhenfeng; Liu, Di; Wang, Tongkun; Ma, Juncai; Deng, Haiteng; Liu, Zhi-Jie; Ouyang, SongyingHuang, Li
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2016, Vol 15, Issue 9, 2908-2923, DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M115.057778