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[[Category:Commands|Set View]]
[[Category:Commands|Set View]]
[[Category:View Module|Set View]]

Revision as of 15:07, 20 June 2009


set_view sets viewing information for the current scene, including the rotation matrix, position, origin of rotation, clipping planes, and the orthoscopic flag.

This command is extremely useful for making movies. One may set up the scene to be rendered, then save the exact orientation, with respect to the camera, of the scene using, the Get_View command. The output from the Get_View command may then be used by the set_view command to restore the orientation of the scene.


set_view (...)  where ... is 18 floating point numbers


cmd.set_view(string-or-sequence view)


Contents of the view matrix

  • 0 - 8 = 3x3 rotation matrix which transforms model to camera space
  • 9 - 11 = camera position (in model space and relative to the origin of rotation)
  • 12 - 14 = origin of rotation (in model space)
  • 15 = front plane distance from the camera
  • 16 = rear plane distance from the camera
  • 17 = not implemented (the online help says that this should be the orthoscopic view flag, but PyMol as of v0.99 does not implement this)


Get View