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Revision as of 05:03, 23 February 2005


  "read_pdbstr" in an API-only function which reads a pdb file from a
  Python string.  This feature can be used to load or update
  structures into PyMOL without involving any temporary files.


   cmd.read_pdbstr( string pdb-content, string object name 
      [ ,int state [ ,int finish [ ,int discrete ] ] ] )


  "state" is a 1-based state index for the object.

  "finish" is a flag (0 or 1) which can be set to zero to improve
  performance when loading large numbers of objects, but you must
  call "finish_object" when you are done.

  "discrete" is a flag (0 or 1) which tells PyMOL that there will be
  no overlapping atoms in the PDB files being loaded.  "discrete"
  objects save memory but can not be edited.