== PDB PyMOL plugin ==
PDBe’s PyMOL plugin provides an easy way to visualise PDB data and annotations in PyMOL. This includes displaying individual molecules, Pfam, SCOP and CATH domains and viewing geometric validation for PDB entries based on PDBe's API.
The PDB PyMOL plugin works on PyMOL 1.6 or later
PyMOL 1.6
Download the plugin from the following URL:
PyMOL 1.7 or later
Open the “plugin manager”
Enter the following url in the “Install from PyMOL Wiki or URL
This will add the following items to the Plugins menu:
PDB Analysis - All
PDB Analysis - Molecules
PDB Analysis - Domains
PDB Analysis - Validation
PDB Analysis - Assemblies
Screenshot of the menu
To use each component click the menu item in the Plugins menu ..→